We have a purpose built outdoor air rifle range available all year round. We have 4 targets available during each session. Equipment and instructors can be arranged, however pre-booking is essential.
Air rifle shooting sessions last for 1 hour and can accommodate a maximum of 12 participants per session. Multiple sessions can be booked. The air rifle range currently has no lighting facilities and therefore can operate during daylight hours only.
It is essential written parental consent is gained and confirmation that the individual is not subjected to any restrictions under the Firearms Act before a young person is allowed to take part in air rifle shooting. An example form can be found in our Customer Information Pack.
It is advised visitors carry out their own risk assessment taking into account the age, experience and needs of their own group. Our Activity Instructions and Risk Assessment for Air Rifle Shooting can be downloaded.
Visitors who hold their own air rifle qualifications may hire our facilities without supervision, however, evidence of qualifications held must be provided in advance.